Thursday, February 12, 2009

characters WIP


Anonymous said...

Wow very nice they all look amazing, this is the first time I've seen the fat guy. The fat guy just looks wicked I'd like to see the high poly for his face.

Keep it man. Oh and btw I hate both u n Ashley, talented f**ks lol

soft-entertainment(adam) said...

thanks dale weve actually edited loads since this image. we have changeed a few proportion problems and changed a few textures plus many other stuff, when you get back ill show you how simple the high poly of mr bumbles face is.

Anonymous said...

Wicked man, I want to come back pretty soonish cus im still pretty crap at Z brush lol. Loved to see how you do it.

Tom Li said...

fuck! you made 6 charecters already, jeezus lol. i only just about finished my second lol, best get a move on. there looking quite cool but im worried about your normal maps a little bit. baking stuff in one peice in zbrush tends to give your normals a clay look, or like a action figure, id totally reccomend having a go at painting straight into the normal map to add a little sharp depth to peices that would be baked using seperate high poly peices in max ( for eg. the old mans hair and beard) oh and dont bother with that whole painting in rgb stuff, it just confused the fuck outta me, just do it old skool bump stylee (b/w) and then nvidea filter it.

hope that helps you guys out a bit, keep up the good work man.

soft-entertainment(adam) said...

yeah we have been doin that, all i really do is bake base geomatry into the character all the other stuff is photoshoped in, i only did three of the characters ashley did three of them. ashleys character for some reason looks fine on his pc it has more depth and the creases in his face look alot better my pc seems to leave out all the sharp detail. thanks for the help li ill put up screens of each character seperatly and would love to here your views on them all.

Tom Li said...

heh sure ting my bread bin!